Thursday, July 30, 2009


My stock pile has gotten out of control... I have had a few weekends that have been very busy trying to enjoy my time while the kids visit their dad. Needless to say I have kept myself very busy, so shopping had to take a back seat. I was able to score some great deals at several places but, haven't had time to finish my biggest project... The Stockpile.

I am about 3/4 of the way through the task. I have most of the shelving where I want it and I am in the process of finding homes for everything. The biggest issue is that I still have a HUGE TV in my garage that I need to sell. It literally takes up half of my wall space.

I just received a free deep freeze and I need to transfer the contents of my overflowing inside freezer, I need to find a place for the 200 AMP Energy Drinks I got for free, and the cases of water also need a home.

Tonight is my last night before my kids finally come home. I hope to tackle the freezer, stockpile, and their laundry before I call it a night. Wish me luck. Hopefully I will have pictures of the finished product in the morning.

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